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MEGGLE Young Enterprise Award 2024: award ceremony

The MEGGLE Young Enterprise Award was presented for the tenth time this year. In the historic town hall of Wasserburg, MEGGLE Group GmbH honored innovative and successful founders from the Southeast Upper Bavaria region – this year for the tenth time. Journalist and author Stefan Aust was the keynote speaker at the gala and guest of honor for entrepreneur couple Marina and Toni Meggle.

“Advancing ideas together.” This was the motto of the MEGGLE Young Enterprise Award. The award ceremony took place for the tenth time this year. Three applicants from south-eastern Upper Bavaria particularly impressed the jury and were honored on October 11, 2024 in the historic town hall of Wasserburg. The ceremony was hosted by Alexander Mazza. In addition to the prize money totaling 75,000 euros, the winners can look forward to lots of attention and a strong network.

First place this year went to maut1 GmbH from Rosenheim. The company, founded by Julian Schmelzer and Simon Baumgartner, has been successfully renting out electronic toll collection devices, or toll boxes for short, since 2020. Tolls can be paid electronically and contactlessly using a digital billing system. The target group now includes private and business travelers. The MEGGLE Young Enterprise Award jury rewarded this idea with 35,000 euros.

ScaliRo GmbH took 2nd place in the MEGGLE Young Enterprise Award 2024. For founders Patrick Burkart, Florian Köster and Tim Nowak, this means prize money of 25,000 euros. They are developing a manufacturer-independent software solution for planning automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in logistics and production facilities. Due to the increased use of automated logistics solutions, there are great opportunities for growth for the Rosenheim-based company.

Third place goes to Stephanskirchen (Rosenheim district) to JaViAs GmbH. In 2018, Jacqueline and Vincent Aßbichler began developing the buxit mechanical protection concept. The net with spikes prevents the box tree moth from laying eggs, without any accompanying damage to other insects. This product innovation was awarded 15,000 euros by the independent jury of the MEGGLE Young Enterprise Award.

The very first prizewinners, Josef and Stefan Willkommer, were on hand to answer questions at the ceremony in Wasserburg’s town hall. With their digital company TechDivision, they achieved first place at the inaugural Gründerpreis in 2012. They told Alexander Mazza about the positive impact the award had on their business operations. At this year’s award ceremony, MEGGLE distributed prize money totaling over half a million euros (525,000 euros).